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How Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Aids in the Treatment of Vision Loss

As human beings grow old, numerous changes take place in the human body one of them being rescission in the quality of vision. To function optimally the retina, which is responsible for sensing light, must receive enough oxygen as it has one of the highest oxygen needs of all body parts. In case there is any form of blockage in the arterial vessels that supply blood to the retina, quick measures to rectify that ought to be taken. One of the more recent applications of HBOT is in the treatment of vision loss, especially that resulting from blockage of blood flow to the eyes. What results when there is a blockage in blood flow is blurry vision or partial blindness of the eye. If necessary measures are not taken this situation could move could get worse. These symptoms are also accompanied by regular headaches. Some of the causes of blockage of the blood vessels include blood clots as well as cholesterol deposits. Prompt action is required since a blood clot in the artery could result in stroke in case it travels to the brain.

One of the ocular conditions treated using HBOT is sudden blindness, also referred to as acute central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO). The condition that is mainly caused by artery embolism is painless and often occurs without warning. It mostly occurs amongst older people. HBOT is also applied in the treatment of macular degeneration (AMD). The patients experience reduced to no vision in the middle part of the visual field. It aids in the thickening of the central part of the retina thus improving the ability of the eye to see fine detail. Through increased oxygen circulation in the choroid, the inner layers of the retina can regain their sharpness. Restoring the ischemic tissue to its optimal state aids in getting rid of secondary inflammation as well.

How Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Works

Increased instances of reduced oxygen supply to the eye, and specifically the retina result in the release of high amounts of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). HBOT has the effect of reducing the effects of VEGF which include high permeability of blood vessels and growth of new blood vessels around the retina, iris, cornea, and optic disk. HBOT has the effect of increasing oxygen concentration in retinal venous hemoglobin from 58% in regular atmospheric conditions (1 ATM) to 94% in a 100% hyperbaric oxygen environment. Individuals experiencing sudden eye loss should apply HBOT promptly to avoid instances of permanent loss of sight. It is also recommended for use after eye surgery as it aids in improving the efficiency of the surgical process and recovery of the healing process. HBOT represents a less costly, safe, and painless form of treatment. Also, inflammation is kept on the low with minimal disturbance of the retina. HBOT also aids in reducing occasional inflammation and swelling thus preventing occurrences of conditions such as glaucoma and cataract development. HBOT also helps boost immunity by aiding in getting rid of bacterial pathogens through phagocytosis. The white blood cells are empowered so they can prevent infections.



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